26th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science(ICCF26)

Application Procedures

Click on one of the following buttons to view the appropriate Application Procedures page.
Please review it carefully.

EU General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)

If you live within EU and EEA area,
please read
"Privacy Notice in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) " carefully.

For Registration 
 Privacy Notice by organizer

For Accommodation Reservation
  Privacy Notice by JTB

** For the handling of sensitive information,
   please download "consent document" from below,
   and send it to the address written in the consent form.

Consent form by organizer

Consent form by JTB

About issuing receipts

Only a digital version of receipts will be sent to participants upon completion of the online registration and after the registration fee is paid. The receipts will be issued using the billing details provided on the registration form, so please make sure you have provided us with the correct information (company name, address and VAT/tax identification number if applicable). Sometimes the receipt will be blocked by a pop-up window, so if you allow it, the receipt will be displayed on a separate screen.

New Registration ( If you do not have a Log-in ID)

After you have reviewed the Application Procedures page(s), please select the item for which you wish to apply.
If there are items for which you do not need to apply, please deselect them by clicking on the following check buttons.
Clicking on them again will reselect them.

Change to SSL mode

If you already have a Log-in ID, please start from here

Forgot your ID or password? Click Here
